Hi, please share a WGAN code to convert synthetic images to real (with paired images) if you know. Any other vanila GAN would also be helpful.
I guess line 35 of train_wgan.py, padding has to be 'same', valid wouldn’t work for discriminator
In tensorflow I just do this for weights clipping:
t_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
critic_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'crit' in var.name]
self.clip_critic = []
for var in critic_vars:
Hello! I have been really trying hard to reproduce conditional SNGAN results on CIFAR10, recently. But I am far from the ones stated in the paper. I started coding in Pytorch, but somehow couldn't man…
https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/blob/v1.5.1/PaddleCV/PaddleGAN/trainer/StarGAN.py 根据stargan 的训练模式train,加入gp_loss 可是一直报错,d_loss+=gp_loss 时候 报错 grad_op_maker_ should not be null ,好像是 gp_loss 梯度截断…
When I run “ python trainer.py --dataset MNIST --batch_size 36 --num_dis_conv 6 --gan_type wgan-gp”, it shows error as follow:
Hi! @glederrey
I'm working on a project for my master's thesis, the idea is generating a synthetic tabular relational database. I know it isn't the idea of this model, but I think using conditional…
Hi I noticed that the 2 pretrained models you shared have contents that are the exact same sizes. Are they really different in some way?
- 版本、环境信息:
- 复现信息:[复现Notebook,可在Colab打开](https://gist.github.com/HighCWu/095bd38c54936d8cebdb050956050c1d)
- 问题描述:WGA…