In[194]:= ToExpression["3 + x^2 - 4"]
2 2 2 2
Out[194]= {{-1 + a1 , -1 + b1 }, {-1 + a…
Sorry if this isn't technically an issue, but I was wondering what everyone was doing for formatting. The only option in VS code for "Document Format As" is Wolfram Language, but that has the followin…
**Describe the bug**
The following should not remove `Hold`:
In[] := SetReplace[{1, 2}, {a_, b_} :> {Hold[a + b]}]
Out[] = {3}
It should do the same thing as `Replace`:
The Bilbao Crystallographic Server provides the beautiful publication quality Brillouin zone graph [here](https://www.cryst.ehu.es/cgi-bin/cryst/programs/nph-kv-list?gnum=186&fig=f6mmp&what=data) and …
Hello Sjoerd Smit,
I am interested in Dual Numbers and Automatic differentiation for use in solving the inverse problem in non-linear imaging (polarized light microscopy). I am a member of the Wolf…
In [perf.nb](https://github.com/JuliaLang/Microbenchmarks/blob/master/perf.nb), several Mathematica functions are compiled using `Compile`, but in [perf.m](https://github.com/JuliaLang/Microbenchmarks…
In WMA, a string can produce a text equivalent to a boxed expression. For example,
"Power: \!\(a \^ b\)"
produces the same formatted text as the Boxed ex…
I am a neovim 0.7+ user. It would be great there is some support for the lsp setup for neovim.
Thanks a lot in advance for any suggestions.
Does this extensions support Wolfram Engine (https://www.wolfram.com/engine/) as well?