## 🐛 Bug Report
Setting `x:TypeArguments` on MvxPages causes the Xamarin Forms Android XAML Designer to error.
### Expected behavior
Be able to use the Xaml Designer for Xamarin Forms apps on A…
In my fix for https://github.com/stntz/Xamarin.ZoomBinding/issues/30 I added this line to metadata
It allowed the ZoomUIService to appear on the ZoomSdk instance, which was great. …
**Describe the bug**
When trying to start an update with DFU a SecurityException is thrown.
Java.Lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service crc640fd658db7faaed21.DfuServiceDelegate: java…
### Current behavior
When I compile my application, I encounter the following error. There are no other errors in the build.
Is there any performance tests done vs the normal binding's?
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community](https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/822681/xamarin-forms-43-relativesource-and-related-markup.html)._
Hello all,
Everything is in the title.
Is it possible to use StoreKit 2 API with Xamarin iOS or .Net 7?
If yes, how?
If no, is there any plan to enable this in the future?
Thank you
### Xamarin.Android Version (eg: 6.0): net7.0-android32
### Operating System & Version (eg: Mac OSX 10.11): MacOS Ventura 13.1
### Google Play Services Version
* Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.…
### .NET version
### Did it work in .NET Framework?
Not tested/verified
### Did it work in any of the earlier releases of .NET Core or .NET 5+?
No, I haven't tried in other vers…
Some of the SDK's .AAR files contain **armeabi** folders with native libraries, while the SDK documentation states: "The Public Preview App SDK supports **armeabi-v7a** processors only" ([link](https:…