When compiling a whole file in emacs Lisp mode/Slime with `C-x C-k`, the compilation seems to progress, but when compiling a single `overlord:import` expression with `C-c C-c`, the following error is …
-- name: insert-new-player @execute
-- Inserts a new player into the database.
INSERT INTO player (player_name, email, passhash)
VALUES(:player_name, :email, :passhash);
File in question: https://github.com/phoe/gateway/blob/master/install/install.lisp#L12
Evaluating `(asdf:load-system :gateway :force t)` produces the following compile-time warning:
; fi…
It would be nice support this
``` js
conn.query('INSERT INTO table1 SER field1 = :field1, field2 = :field2 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE field2 = :field2', {field1: 1, field2: 2});
I'm trying to call `cider-jack-in` in my project which we working fine in cider v.0.15. However, currently I can understand what's going wrong with cider and why next error occurs.
Here is my proje…
Is it possible to parametrize `name` in the below query? I want to be able to do things like `SELECT gender FROM user ...` or `SELECT surname FROM user ...` by passing in the column name as a function…
At the moment data structures are split with the intention to be very flexible. Something simple as https://github.com/alandipert/enduro might take us a long way. But maybe events should be using a sq…
Hello! Thanks a lot for open sourcing your port!
In the README you're stating:
> I'm trying to build a clone of the wonderful yesql library from clojure. The idea is to have a seperate sql file fo…
I'm currently using yesql with the default stack, but would like to try using clj-postgresql as the backend for it. Could that work? Has anyone else tried?
I'm trying to get piggieback to work on my project and I just can't.
I think that it has something to do with `nrepl-middleware` in `project.clj` so I'll post it here to see if I'm doing something st…