### Summary
@tiredofit It seems like `//` typo
2023-12-10.09:22:39 [42m[STARTING][49m ** [nginx] [1] Starting nginx 1.25.3
sed: /etc/zabbix//zabbix_agentd.conf: No such file or …
> 1.修改zabbix agent的主配置文件zabbix_agentd.conf,加入如下内容:
> Include=/usr/local/zabbix_agent_extend/conf/*.conf
> bas…
If you specify `zabbix_proxy_tlspskfile` variable, there is nothing in the roles to actually create this file. There is a check to make sure the directory exists, but nothing to make s…
Hi, my profile contains this:
``` puppet
$zabbix_server_ip = hiera('zabbix_server_ip')
$zabbix_agent_ip = hiera('zabbix_agent_ip', $ipaddr)
class { '::zabbix::agent':
manage_repo …
I've installd this project in my Zabbix environment and do not see the cups printers coming into zabbix. I've added UnsafeUserParameters=1 to my agent configuration. Additionally, I've tried changin…
## Affected Puppet, Ruby, OS and module versions/distributions
- Puppet: 4.10.1
- Ruby: 2.0.6
- Distribution: CentOS 7.4
- Module version: latest
## How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you …
I have faced some issues during patching my cookbook-set by knife-solo. It prevents to very strange errors with community cookbooks. But the same set of cookbooks is working if we will use it sep…
`/recipes/_agent_common_user.rb` creates the zabbix user and sets `supports :manage_home => true`. This (by default) creates the `/opt/zabbix` home directory with 0700 permissions.
There is `/recipe…
## The hint
This is the comment thread for [ Zabbix: unawailable items and hosts caused by wrong default timeout settings](https://selivan.github.io/2016/06/14/zabbix-server-agent-wrong-default-timeouts).