I have faced some issues during patching my cookbook-set by knife-solo. It prevents to very strange errors with community cookbooks. But the same set of cookbooks is working if we will use it sep…
Would you help me?
You are presenting this error message:
zabbix_agentd -t nginx[waiting,]
nginx[waiting,] [m|ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED] [Uns…
### Affected Puppet, Ruby, OS and module versions/distributions
- Puppet: 3.8.7, 4.6.1
- Ruby: 2.0.0p598
- Distribution: CentOS 7.2
- Module version: 2.4.1rc0
### How to reproduce (e.g Puppet code you…
I have a problem with the Hyper-V template. Some of the items doesn't work, because shell script gives a timeout.
Example running from console:
zabbix_get.exe -s myhost -k hyperv.hos…
**Please complete the following information:**
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- Zabbix server version: 5.2.7
- Active or passive check: Active
- Using zabbix proxy: No proxy
**Additional context**
I'm relatively new to Zabbix so there is a good chance I'm missing something. We monitor most of our hosts via SNMP and don't have the agent installed (mostly because we are still in a testing …
12/15/2016 05:30:43 PM G2ZProxy:_getMonitored():[{'host': u'', 'metric': u'sitespeed_io.default.summary.www_gszwfw_gov_cn.chrome.native.browsertime.firstPaint.median'}]
12/15/2016 05:30:…
5516:20191128:144542.700 Failed to execute command "powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Program Files\Zabbix Agent\scripts\os_windows_active.ps1" -ActionType "get" -Key "inventory…
There are currently two issues surrounding the use of `$HOME` and `$PM2_HOME`, and both originate from lib/PM2Tracker.js:165 :
* `process.env.HOME` is used, instead of `os.homedir()`.
* The user's h…
How do we install the community template to monitor ZFS on Linux in Zabbix?