Author Name: **Florian Asche** (Florian Asche)
Original Redmine Issue: 5855, https://forge.centreon.com/issues/5855
Original Date: 2014-10-03
nagios-plugins = 1.4.16-10.el6 is needed by…
If the default port (8080) or the one selected is not available on start up then show a prompt for a new port and suggest the first free port above the current one.
The dialog should check the selecte…
A new Pull Request was created by @mulhearn for branch master.
Pull Request Reference: cms-data/L1Trigger-L1TCalorimeter#6
@smuzaffar, @degano, @iahmad-khan can you please review it and eventually…
We include a .version file now, but that overrides the tag-set versioning that netkan used to use, so the override is no longer valid, and 0.0.34 is treated as older than v0.33. Wut do?
I manually up…
When attempting to add a role to a newly created team, the save button in the popup window does not appear/is not visible while using Internet Explorer. Sometimes, it does appear, but often it does no…
Using `PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::prophesize()` in conjunction with `@backupStaticAttributes enabled` fails for repeated tests with a "Cannot redeclare class" error.
class ProphesizeWithBackupS…
I see the following error running `osc new-app`.
$ osc new-app ruby-helloworld-sample --namespace=project1
Error: unable to get type info from the object "*runtime.Unknown": no kind is registered…
disabling compact SIP seems to be required for a pbxes.org account. that said,
here's a wishlist item to move compact SIP to a per-account setting, if
possible. this will actually address the is…
$form_message = preg_replace(array('~\n?\[quote.*?\].+?\[/quote\]\n?~is', '~^\n~', '~\[/quote\]~'), '', $form_message);
Search for "removeNestedQuotes". Anywhere you see that, it …
When I try to access `SPC f /` which is bounded to this:
SPC f / runs the command spacemacs/helm-files-smart-do-search, which is an
interactive Lisp function in `init.el'.
It is bound to SPC f /…