Hello I was following Bevy Lunex Book quick start guide and that's what I see (the green and yellow frames). What am …
@JSJohal pointed out that the checkbox might be superfluous here and could be replaced by a 'Confirm and continue' button. We discussed this earlier and thought ensuring the AB user explicitly confirm…
# Description
Submit form requires POSTing project. Create an endpoint that accepts POST requests for projects
## Acceptance criteria
- [ ] An API endpoint exists that accepts a "POST" request for a …
**Item Count:** 500 items
**Item Types:** Image/Document
**Access Restrictions:** 0
**Complex Objects:** 0
**pid List:** https://github.com/OregonDigital/OD2-migration/blob/master/siuslaw/…
The addon can't detect download link from Microsoft Sharepoint. The browser uses native downloader instead of showing AB download popup.
Link: https://formictech-my.sharepoint.com/personal/admin_form…
df = pd.DataFrame(['GroupA'] * 5 + ['GroupB'] * 5, columns=['AB'])
df['CD'] = ['C'] * 3 + ['D'] * 3 + ['G'] * 4
df['EF'] = ['E'] * 6 + ['F'] * 2 + ['H'] * 2
df['F'] = np.random.normal(0, 1, 10…
Please leave suggestions for single-case or small-*n* studies using an *AB design*.
**Bug description:**
Rspamd uses a wrong DKIM key for domains with a similar name root
**Rspamd version:**
Rspamd daemon version 3.8.4
CPU architecture x86_64; features: sse2, sse3
**Item Count:** 500
**Item Types:** Image
**pid List** https://github.com/OregonDigital/OD2-migration/blob/master/oimb/oimb_ab_pids
see https://github.com/OregonDigital/OD2-migration/issues/581