I’ve been using lumi.acpartner.v3 and lumi.acpartner.v3 for awhile now. Unfortunately, the plugin for this device called Mi HeaterCooler by @jayqi is no longer in development, and a forked vers…
Mi Smart Air Conditioner Controller Pro (lumi.acpartner.mcn04) was released several month ago.
If support for this device is added, it will be very helpful.
今天试着开加热模式,结果直接报错,但是再点一下又能用了。型号是lumi.acpartner.mcn02,版本是0.5.0b1, HASSOS12.3
Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.con…
## The problem
[Here](https://github.com/home-assistant/core/blob/364d1cff401452a58c4ede8e2c4540485c5d2e65/homeassistant/components/xiaomi_aqara/__init__.py#L70) the max line limit is 16, but my toke…
### 问题场景:
HAAS 在最近的版本中可以单独通过传感器的功率来计量设备耗电,但是 miot auto 中接入的设备,甚至是 raw 接入的设备都无法在计量中被选中,只有接入网关的设备才可以被选中,且P3空调网关的状态显示错误
### 问题 Model:
Model ID: lumi.acpartner.mcn04
I think is should support lumi.acpartner.mcn04 right?
My firmware version is
And I also get an Error: Error doing job: Task exception was never retrie…
Would it be possible to add support for the Mi Air Conditioner Companion MCN?
**Model:** `lumi.acpartner.mcn02`
**SKU:** `KTBL03LM`
**Link:** https://www.mi.com/buy/detail?product_id=97…
Binding: Xiaomi Mi Smart Home Binding -2.4.0
OpenHAB 2.4
openHabian on raspberry3
I would like to ask for the support of the Xiaomi Aqara Air Conditioning Companion at your Binding.
The Gatewa…
**Aqara空调伴侣(升级版)**可以识别,设备信息为`lumi.acpartner.v3 by lumi`。
cairy updated
3 years ago
xiaomi_airconditioningcompanion 没问题,而且添加设备只能选择云端模式 开机 调节正常 无法关闭 我是个例吗?