I'm trying to test the todomvc example, but after cloning the latest alt and trying to run the todomvc example I get the following issue:
``` bash
Error: module "../../../../mixins/FluxyMixin" not fo…
I believe I'm doing something stupid. Installed Alt via npm and tried to do this:
import connectToStores from 'alt/utils/connectToStores'
import React from 'react'
import CustomerActions from …
I have ItemsStore connected with Header and Items components.
When url is /items and i trying to change something in ItemsStore all works fine. But if i do changes when im on the main page / i got th…
I'm trying to copy this example verbatim with no luck.
Are `listenTo` and `getProps` new methods we're supposed to be using in lieu of `getStores`, `getPropsFromStores`?
This is why I was asking abo…
Electron アプリ開発の基盤環境となるプロジェクトを作成する。設計方針は以下。
- 環境設定は package.json に集約
- electron-packager によるパッケージ生成に対応
- AltJS = ES6 & React JSX
- browser/renderer プロセスの両コードを ES6 で実装可能にする
- AltCSS = Stylus
- AltJS/A…
I just go this set up and started testing it but I am getting this msg any ideas?
[warn][tid:main][RCTUIManager.m:956] Error setting property 'streamURL' of RTCVideoView with tag #65:
Exception …
If I have a store like this:
``` javascript
module.exports = alt.createStore(class SomeStore {
constructor() {
onSomeAction(parameter) {
// Code to te…
The following works:
``` js
import React from "react"
import {render} from "react-dom"
import createBrowserHistory from "history/lib/createBrowserHistory"
import AltRouter from "alt-router"
import al…
With a cursory search over the repo, it looks like compatibility with 0.13 should be reasonably easy by replacing `React.addons.cloneWithProps` with `React.cloneElement`.
I'm trying to use AltContainer's shouldComponentUpdate but the document state that `This is a function that gets called with the props that your children will receive` although I'm getting the …