_Original author: dome...@domenicdenicola.com (March 04, 2013 05:57:28)_
The following should be syntax errors but are not:
(foo) => { var foo; }
(foo) => { let foo; }
(foo) => { const foo;…
The following should be syntax errors but are not:
(foo) => { var foo; }
(foo) => { let foo; }
(foo) => { const foo; }
(foo, ...foo) => { }
(foo, foo = 5) => { }
(eval) => { }
(arguments) => { }
This does not work:
var f = () => true
### Prerequisites
* [x] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following:
* Reproduced the problem in Safe Mode: http://flight-manual.atom.io/hacking-atom/secti…
Just a suggestion:
To avoid the annoying `this.myFunc = this.myFunc.bind(this)` in the constructor for every class method, just use `myFunc = () => {}`, as arrow functions keep the scope of `this`.
Auto complete the parameters of anonymous functions. JavaScript and most other languages already name the parameters when the function is defined and you can see these names while you are wr…
This is not a good enough.
"NOTE: Do not use ES6 arrow functions for your describe or it callback. This will cause the recording function to break."
Do you have any idea why?
a => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve(a * 2), 500);
Expected output:
`[ '(resolve', 'reject' ]`
Other things I tr…
honesty box: I am not great at knowing the difference between ES5/ES6 :blush:
line 37 of logic.js is `return todos.filter(todo => todo.id !== idToDelete);` - are arrow functions new to ES6, and as …
与let,const一样,对箭头函数的掌握也一直是模棱两可,因此需要深入学习一下,mdn的Arrow Functions就是很好的学习资料,除了阅读文档,我也会加入一些自己的思考。