It seems that sometimes fetches can take a few milliseconds to run and likewise parsing and generating data blobs for image bitmaps can also be a bit slow - between parsing and loading the data it can…
TilesRendererBase.js:501 TilesRenderer : Failed to load tile at url "http://gisbg.scyttx.com.cn/gisdata/9171/0/17_207411_41205_0.b3dm".
errorCallback @ TilesRendererBase.js:501
Hello, how are you since last time? :)
I am currently using the pg2b3dm tool with my datasets, and I've encountered an issue where certain fields contain only NULL values. This is causing a proble…
I’m generating tileset with object splitted between two tiles. They are represented as two different objects (2x Cesium3DTileFeature), having the same batchId & featureId, but they are placed …
@scially 你好,请问我在linux的docker环境编译该工具。安装依赖后顺利编译,这是`ldd`输出的所有的依赖,GDAL/Qt/OSG都已经按要求的版本装了:
linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd30bbd000)
libQt5Xml.so.5 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Xml.so.5 (0x00007ffbbb…
May I kindly inquire about the purpose of this option? Furthermore, could you please provide guidance on how to set this option?
While executing the postProcessGLTF operation, it appears that there…
this is the situation where I directly loaded tiles without making any modifications:
See [When using replacement refinement, can multiple children be combined into one request?](https://github.com/AnalyticalGraphicsInc/3d-tiles#when-using-replacement-refinement-can-multiple-children-b…
I tried to convert an ifc file using mago-3d-tiler, but the tiles were not outputting, so I used the debug option.
However, when I run the program, I get the following exception error.
I have tried load **Tile3DLayer** with both type loader I3SLoader, Tiles3dLoader for my region but they have same issue is tile have crack like earthquake and quality mesh is so bad. I think ma…