Some weights of the model checkpoint at ./model_hub/chinese-bert-wwm-ext/ were not used when initializing BertModel: ['cls.predictions.transform.dense.bias', 'cls.predictions.decoder.weight', 'cls.pre…
### 基本信息
- 你使用的**操作系统**: windows10
- 你使用的**Python**版本: 3.7
- 你使用的**Tensorflow**版本: 1.15.2
- 你使用的**Keras**版本: 2.3.0
- 你使用的**bert4keras**版本: bert4keras-0.9.5
- 你使用纯**keras**还是**t…
请教一下,正在尝试训练 https://github.com/fishaudio/Bert-VITS2 v1.0.1 版本的。我只训练了中文环境的,所以只使用了中文Bert。 目前训练到14万步,基本效果出来了,但是训练过程突然僵死了。已经过了10多个小时,日志也不打,也没有新的checkpoint存储,显卡一直占用,进程也没有退出。就是没有任何反应,不知道在干嘛。请问这种情况如何处理呢?大概率…
## Description
1. Run GluonNLP [full suite of tests](https://github.com/dmlc/gluon-nlp/tree/master/tests) with `pytest` on `mxnet-cu102==2.0.0b20201022` will introduce threading error (see Error Me…
{0: 'O', 1: 'B-PRE', 2: 'I-PRE', 3: 'B-PAT', 4: 'I-PAT', 5: 'B-DES', 6: 'I-DES', 7: 'B-MED', 8: 'I-MED', 9: 'B-EFF', 10: 'I-EFF', 11: 'B-CAU', 12: 'I-CAU', 13: 'B-SYM', 14:…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\ai\josencomfyui\GPT-SoVITS\api_v2.py", line 144, in
tts_pipeline = TTS(tts_config)
File "D:\ai\josenco…
Thank you for providing `mixed_large_24_model.bin`.
I was trying to convert this model using `scripts/convert_bert_from_uer_to_google.py`.
Everything goes fine without any alerts.
However, wh…
I followed your instructions using my data.
Since the batch_size was too big for my data i changed it to 6.
Then i got this error during evaluation:
08/23/2019 17:50:14 - INFO - root - …
复现代码,在docker容器内运行或者新建环境,都会在bert_model = load_trained_model_from_checkpoint(paths.config, paths.checkpoint, seq_len=None) 这步报错:AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'layer'