I am using laravel 5.4 and i have created some charts using lava charts. And now i just need to add charts in to a single dashboard.
#### Issue
but here I am been stuck.
#### Controller Cod…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Repository problems
A TALL Framework, LARAVEL, TailwindCSS, Alpine, Livewire
with FILAMENT v3 Laravel 11,:
Filament has a lot of widgets that we can add later.
- [ ] Is it possible to add a template on top of FILAMEN…
# User Story
As a User, I should be able to view a homescreen, with a navbar of icons for each of the park components, and a grid displaying highlighted data from each component.
# AC
WHEN the pa…
### Describe the bug
Initial deployments using ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService from ecs-patterns complete successfully and generate working, healthy, reachable services. All subsequent deploy…
Nothing is added to `/var/log/opensearch_dashboards.log` when the daemon run.
I installed switchboard in raspberry. I ran the command: npm run start and later the connetion with the ng server in local mode from browser: localhost:4200 and I saw the landingpage. Later metamask e…
I have tried the plugin on 7.5.1
I have managed to solve loading issue in time.js but the component still don't work i have an error in timeController.js
commons.bundle.js:3 Uncaught (in promise…
I get this error when I try to run the application.
./src/app/App.scss (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-5-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??postcss!./node_modules/resolve-url-l…
### What happened + What you expected to happen
Ray cannot work with the python executable (installed with PyInstaller package).
I created a **conda** environment with numpy,pandas and ray library…