## Describe the bug
I find very useful the comparison of experiments and I'm trying to use this as well to get meaningful comparisons across different datasets.
However, the comparison of plots f…
Like many who requested the boxplot with q1/median/q3 signature, I have a situation where I am pre-computing these statistics (along with lower and upper fence) from a very large database and then fee…
hafen updated
3 months ago
Hi, There is an issue on boxplot when log scale applied.
fig.update_layout( boxmode = 'group', xaxis = dict(type = "log") )
### Expected behavior
In chart.js while plotting boxplot with different datasets, some of the data is not shown in the chart. Tried with many other datasets, still facing same issue. Please help me t…
I am using Jamovi for my bachelor thesis. Earlier today I had a pretty annoying "bug" with Jamovi. I needed to export a descriptive boxplot of my data as a PDF. My y-label hat a "ä" in it. As r…
When reordering conditions on the x-axis in a seaborn boxplot using `order=conditions`, I get a mismatch between the plotted data and `statannotations`. Significance values are misplaced and a…
Make it possible to show all distributions of all variables for all clusters as boxplots. Right now univar plots show the distribution by class and by variable.
Adding a wrapper around `matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot` should be straightforward and add another option on to what can be plotted with this package. An example spec would be:
def boxplot(
Hello and thanks a lot for the great package!
I want to delete boxplot outliers as they're duplicates of jitters (but I want to keep the jitters). I have tried to set outlier.[any option] to NA or…