- **Poetry version**: 1.5.1
- **Python version**: 3.10.6
- **OS version and name**: Ubuntu 22.04.01
- **pyproject.toml**: https://gist.github.com/larsyencken/2e2be54d124764b5a379afe673879ad8
I am looking for some solutions for query autocomplete using LLM. Is it possible to obtain beam decoding results and possibilities by modifying WordLlama and use them as autocomplete candidates?
I want to make "Happy Candidates" section component vue friendy by binding data with vue using `ref()` in Composition API
`import { ref } from 'vue'`
you can make object like this
### Self-service
- [ ] I'd be willing to implement a fix
### Describe the bug
I am unable to install `"@microsoft/msgraph-sdk": "1.0.0-preview.27"` with yarn, I have no problem installing the packa…
New aider user here.
I'm using it to edit a single html file (which contains some javascript).
Here 's the kind of patch I'm getting (because I guess, html doesn't benefit from repo maps)
orgs to review
### Developer tools
- [ ] fig
### Networking clients
- [ ] HTTPie
- [ ] Postman Labs
- [ ] Hoppscotch
### AI
- [ ] o…
When setting `allow_repeated_recommendations=True` it is perfectly valid to request more recommendations than there are candidates in the search space. However, the code currently throws an incorrect …
The yournextmep data is now up at https://yournextmep.popit.mysociety.org/, so something that tries to match people between the two could now be done.
The main problem is that we may never be able to…
Behaviour: Schulze method/rank candidates;calculates winners until all choices are ignored
@tested_feature("Schulze method")
@tested_operation("rank candidates")