Consider the feasibility of mapping proj4 definitions to cartopy classes / keywords.
This may be hard, but would yield several benefits, including the ability to get users new to cartopy (but not pr…
When cartopy first draws a coastline, it looks for coast line data and downloads it. For low resolution data, that's ok, but it can be time consuming for high resolution data.
It might be that the…
It seems like it would be easier to maintain the code if we got rid of all the legacy `Basemap` functions and made it so that `Cartopy` is a required dependency. There can be some versioning issues wi…
Use the new features in cartopy 0.18 for labelling grid lines
cartopy is missing in the project's requirements.txt.
Trying to install manually in the virtualenv gives the following error:
gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG…
## Problem
1. The ax passed by proplot is `GeoAxes` instead of `GeoAxesSubplot`.
2. `proplot` doesn't accept `matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm.` Instead, it uses [`BinNorm`](https://proplot.readthedoc…
Provide a pvoutput.get_status without importing big libraries: numpy, pandas, cartopy etc
## Detailed Description
Provide a pvoutput.get_status without importing big libraries: numpy, pandas, cart…
The rationale given is "thus reducing the overall repository size to those that need to clone the repository", but one of the old taglines for git is it's the "stupid content tracker", key word being …
Possible inefficiencies due to matplotlib - cartopy and create_animation() function.
See OM4_SE_animation.ipynb [Link to notebook](https://app.reviewnb.com/m2lines/data-gallery/pull/20/) and [here]…
Alguien reportó hoy un error al tratar de usar `pip` desde JupyterLab:
Me sorprendió esto, pero creo que…