- [x] I have reviewed the [documentation](https://facebook.github.io/react-native)
- [x] I have searched [existing issues](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues)
I want to put my react-n…
It seems, no entries are available since upgrading to Churchtools version 3.27
Perhaps, some changes with Slim-Framework: https://www.slimframework.com as stated in CT Changelogs
Nachdem ich #420 lösen konnte dachte, ich, dass jetzt alles gehen sollte, leider ist das nicht so.
Ich habe alle Schritte, wie in der Anleitung in den Einstellungen zur Anbindung an den Google Kale…
does the wrapper provide authentication for users? I do not see the password retrieval from Churchtools.
Within our installation of ChurchTools, group titles can contain umlauts.
They can cause problems when connecting Apps like NextCloud to ctldap.
I've extended ctldap.sh by a function that c…
Wir verwenden das von ChurchTools administrierte Produkt. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, deinen LDAP Wrapper damit zu verwenden oder sind wir gezwungen, wieder auf die self-hosted Variante umzusteigen?
ghost updated
6 years ago
I was trying to run demo.js with the (slightly anonymized) credentials below:
host: 'https://zollhaus.churchtools.de',
user: 'myEmail@whatever.com',
password: 'IAMAPASSWORD'
This i…
Galera Cluster has some limitations. One of them is not supporting `GET_LOCK` and `RELEASE_LOCK`.
From there website:
> Unsupported explicit locking include LOCK TABLES, FLUSH TABLES {explicit t…
Treffzeit sound wired to me. Maybe I am wrong but
Ort des Treffens (to be consistent)
Zeit des Treffens
May sound a little bit better.
in variable_get('site_name', 'drupal')
should be changed to churchtool, CT or something like this.