### Context
ComfyUI is all the rage right now, and I would like to use it as one of the supported backends for Clapper.
Currently, Clapper only has ultra-basic support for ComfyUI cloud provider…
## Bug report
### Describe the bug
My existing Music Artist information folder is moved to webdav location.
With "Query info for all artists" not all artist.nfo and artwork files will be …
## 前提
1. 直接用此工具监听Server的80和443
2. 通过nginx监听80和443,然后进行反代 [相关进阶配置说明](https://github.com/nondanee/UnblockNeteaseMusic/issues/48#issuecomment-523536150)
great addon, perfect use for cloud services, to get em looking like apps.
though tried it with a music cloud service which uses flash.
Even though firefox can handle it, the standalone addon cant.
### What happened?
I'll register it as a bug now.
The following:
I am playing music and have previously configured the Last.FM Scrobbler.
The scrobbler works well, maybe too well. :D
We hope that we can directly use third-party audios to avoid heavy server load, but many music providers (i.e. NetEase Cloud Music) don't allow others to retrieve their audios due to CORS. So our back…
# User Story
As a NetEase cloud music user, I want to play songs from my playlist so that I can save time to play the songs I like.
**Describe the bug**
**Desktop (please complete the following information):**
- OS: opensuse Leap 15.5
- Browser Ms edge
- Version latest