https://docs.datasette.io/en/0.62/full_text_search.html has this out-of-date screenshot:
Goal is to have a plugin that turns any Datasette instance into a ChatGPT plugin - providing instructions for ChatGPT to execute SQL queries against it.
Diario Correo reports: In recent days, many workers of the Congress of the Republic and parliamentarians have received suspicious messages on their cell phones so that unscrupulous people can access…
Just noticed the workflow for the demo got suspended for repo inactivity back in June.
[Figma link](https://www.figma.com/file/zwCNcZbWKB6uOBRTNXomYo/Mozilla-Rally-%E2%80%93-Web-Platform?node-id=4708%3A90197&t=MpspU8s9bchHB3BV-0)
The following content will live in the component being b…
I am trying to install this package on a machine running Windows 11. RTools is installed already:
And this leads to the following error:
This is the location for the English information on legislators. Find a Spanish equivalent.
committees_url = 'https://theu…
## Background
[View Google Doc](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W3qqsOnZobX0ZI09XPNTI-s8AOoHRTjl/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108877694621640419570&rtpof=true&sd=true)
## Proposed…
Just got this on https://simonw.github.io/datasette-lite/?url=https://congress-legislators.datasettes.com/
It's an intermittent bug. I think it happens when a page navigation message is receive…