I noticed that artifact `com.github.java-json-tools:jackson-coreutils:2.0` doesn't have the same content in maven central and jitpack.io repository :
- maven central : https://repo1.maven.org/maven2…
So that I can see which environment variables are defined. This is useful for figuring out what variables to put into my `.shellrc` to make MSVC work.
`printenv` is already in coreutils, so we just…
-T lists the tag:
ls -T a.txt
t ISO8859-1 T=on a.txt
This is done here:
we are publishi…
ios wants to send a new kind of connection:
- regular connection:
- `CLinkCnx-53: PairStart, PairVerifyClient, 0xC < System PerDevice >`
Jun 21 12:47:18 rapportd(CoreUtils)[94] : CLinkC…
### What happened, and what did you expect to happen?
When trying to use the `clear` command, I am faced with the following exception:
```Exception: exec: "clear": executable file not found in %PATH…
Trying to compile with 1.70 (= our MSRV, according to the README) and all features fails, despite the MSRV CI succeeding:
$ cargo +1.70.0 build --all-features
warning: /home/user/works…
## Describe the bug
Ive encountered a weird issue with systemd-run0 after todays unstable update
it authenticated successfully, but fails afterwards for an unknown reason
# journal
Dez …
I'm pretty sure that nobody would expect the file contents to be deleted when copying to the same file. This also seems to affect compatibility with node.
Here I print the size of the copied file b…
#### Operating system and version:
Ubuntu server 24.04.1, x86-64, clean install, removed snapd and unattended-updates
#### `nvm debug` output:
nvm debug
nvm --version: v0.40.1
$SHELL: /bin/ba…