Store contents into a separate database and ingest daily via cronjob (or pipeline tool of choice).
DB - Google BigQuery
Pipeline - cron on a compute instance / cloud function running daily
### Notice
There are many files need to be copied from biowulf to S3 in many different folders.
### Detail
Root Path in S3:
This paper monitored shedding of viral RNA and infectious virus and characterized the immune response kinetics of the first five patients quarantined in Geneva, Switzerland.
Data from the Challeng…
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import japanize_matplotlib
covid_data = pd.read_csv("https://stopcovid19.metro.to…
Some places to start looking include:
- [Colorado Dept. of Public Health Covid data](https://covid19.colorado.gov/data): Lots of different datasets link out from this page or other CDPHE pages, in…
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center will begin providing **U.S. state-level antigen testing** data from publicly reported sources on **Friday April, 12 2021**.
The new data will be incorpor…
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center will begin providing U.S. state testing data from publicly reported sources, a service that replaces the COVID Tracking Project’s year-long collection eff…
The CDC publishes data relating to COVID prevalence in wastewater:
This seems like it might lead to a much better way to estimat…
Jenkins job result: FAILURE
Stage: Tidy CSV
[View full output](https://ci.floop.org.uk/job/GSS_data/job/COVID-19/job/PHS-Weekly-COVID-19-Statistical-Data-in-Scotland/29/)
Blocks #172
I've created a super simple model for a table in my BigQuery database but the generated query from Cube throws a syntax error.
Here is the generated query: