### Reproduction link
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### Steps to rep…
I've done a bit of digging trying to find a solution to this issue, both here in GitHub and elsewhere to little avail. For some reason, Nemesis doesn't recognize the custom dev-made animations in Ende…
In some cases, you would like to modify default modal animations. Be it simple [`pop` animation](https://github.com/APSL/react-native-navigator-wrapper/blob/359b8dc87421c1b78b9d86050a7ee37293570d5d/li…
I Installed TIP and I-Want-To-Use-My-Own-Anims, yet my medic animation overhaul does not load, please fix this.
Currently there is no much customizable or consistency in controlling the show / hide animation of components.
For example, modals allow control CSS Transition only in the show class. toasts has sh…
Very cool project!
I noticed you pointed out that it certainly won't work with VisionOS because of "Custom Materials",' I'm a bit out of my depth here, but am curious - is there -any- route you can…
Customizing the about us page for more responsiveness and greater dynamic nature for users to interact with.
I would like to work on this by adding more features and CSS Styling with …
When pressed on creating a Readme, A better and custom scroll Animation can be implemented, rather than the default one.
As pointed out [here](https://github.com/ropensci/plotly/issues/957#issuecomment-488596592) currently it doesn't seem to be possible to overwrite the `steps` argument of an animation slider.
This h…
### Description
I'm trying to master the concept of using shared element transitions. I've set up a very basic example which animates a view with some standard properties to animate. Then I added the…