I don't know if this is a supported way of using macros, but I thought I should report it here. As a side note: In templates where blocks are used, `import` statements don't work when not put inside `…
Besides the two imports in your Yamil that wan't present, your project also does not include the below two imports
import 'package:flutter_ui_challenges/core/presentation/res/assets.dart';
DDC prohibits such import outright, but dart2js allows it to a certain extent.
In grpc package we have `import 'dart:io' show HttpStatus;` and it works in dart2js builds just fine (which means it…
The goal is to make DartAnalyzer not complain about "unused import" for imports whose only purpose is to be used as a type annotation. Presently, if those type annotations are part of a union type, si…
This tracker is for issues related to:
* Dart analyzer and linter
Clicking on quick fix then move to file only moves the required imports but doesn't move `part 'application_support_directory_prov…
I have some code which confused me for a while.
import 'package:kbml_viewer/globals.dart';
import 'preferences/preferences_description_list.dart';
# Dart SDK compilation environment namespace
The Dart language allows an implementation provided *compilation environment* (or *compilation configuration environment* if one wants to be verbose), w…
lrhn updated
3 months ago
This table:
import 'package:persistence/src/database/type_converters/tsid_type_converter.dart';
CREATE TABLE dynamic_tables (
This is the overall tracking issue for shipping managed imports on paste.
- [x] disable until P1s resolved
- [ ] misc update imports on paste issues #31238
- [x] issues when copying entire file #…
## Problem
- Redundant imports like
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
are not handled.
## Expected
Only import either material OR cup…