I'm getting a strange error parsing the following:
Route::filter('ajax', function()
if (!Request::ajax())
return Redirect::to('error')->
hello @helios-ag
I have a little problem, I'd like to apply multiple filters on a string like this:
string | bbcode_filter ('emoticons') | bbcode_filter ('layout')
string |bbcode_filter(['emot…
It's seem the URL filter break when parsing a string like this :
`Some text with [url=https://github.com/milesj/Decoda/]a link[/url] and some other text.`
If I remove le last "/" in the url, the tex…
Hi. When I set something like this:
path: '/path/to/my/emoticons/'
I can run bbcode:dump, and the icons show up on that path. However, when applying my filter (via t…
I'm trying to get the Forum plugin working, and I'm having issues with the Decoda editor from the Utility plugin. Specifically, the submenus are popping under the other buttons on the toolbar. The su…
I'm installing decoda using composer into my symfony2 project with this: `"mjohnson/decoda": "6.0.1"`. However, when I try to load the Decoda class, I'm getting: `ERROR: CLASS 'DECODA\DECODA' NOT FOUN…
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Decoda\Hook\EmoticonHook' not found in /var/www/Symfony2.1/vendor/helios-ag/fm-bbcode-bundle/FM/BbcodeBundle/Decoda/Hook/EmoticonHook.php on line 28
Fatal error: Class 'Decod…
Currently it is defined on `Decoda\Decoda::default()` with these filters and hooks:
``` php
public function defaults() {
$this->addFilter(new \Decoda\Filter\DefaultFilter());
When I use emoticon hook and I want to convert this string ':) :) :)'
Parser convert only the first ":)"
But if I add spaces between smileys, it works
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Warning: file_get_contents(../Resources/config/messages.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/toinou/Sites/…