2024-10-22 10:45:15.518 [INF] DCR: Opened wallet
2024-10-22 10:45:15.534 [ERR] SHWL: loader.OpenExistingWallet:: wallet.OpenDB: cannot allocate memory
2024-10-22 10:45:15.534 [ERR] UI: Error op…
The page at dex.decred.org could us a refresh to reflect that there is now a GUI option for using it (Decrediton) with a screenshot or something so people can see it's more approachable.
Reading https://github.com/decred/dcrd/pull/2188 I'm getting the impression that there are two seeding methods in dcrd now, DNS and HTTPS. If that is correct, please add information about HTTPS seedin…
Shall we place the image info under the image or leave it as tooltip (kind of an Easter egg)?
[Link to article](https://thedecreddigest.com/2017/06/10/decred-where-did-it-all-begin/)
Referenced in #4
I'm specifically looking at the chart for the ticket price but, it's also true for other charts.
In the current wallet, we have the ability for the user to send/receive ethers, send/receive PBLCs and sell/buy PBLCs. In near term we wish to integrate Atomic Swap feature for more token pairs inside…
Not sure if this is the right place, just a heads up:
Add SwapSpace to the list of instant exchanges
Link: https://swapspace.co/
Logo: https://matrix.decred.org:8448/_matrix/media/r0/download/decred.org/feLGiDmwHbILrxvZRKZDtBZM
> - November 13th Decred Learning Challenge Q&A Party ([Twitter announcement](https://twitter.com/Decred_ES/status/1327357791967846401), [Youtube]())
missing youtube link