Thanks for your share.Have you ever try experiment on directed graph,I found that this worked good on undirected graph but have some porblem with directed graph.
Thank you for the great code. I have a question about the way you generate the random walks. It seems that the weights of the edges do not have any effect (i.e., the nodes are selected based on a rand…
Hi Thomas,
Thanks for sharing your code. I want to use GCN for datasets without features. From previous issues, you mentioned that one option is to use embeddings learned by other unsupervised meth…
When I run __main__.py, an error occured:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "__main__.py", line 168, in
File "__main__.py", line 165, in main
#### Related to Community Detection
- Large graph visualization using community detection
- Circling a set of nodes with a boundary such that obstruction is proportional to BFS
- [Nearly Balanced…
问题1:点嵌入、点属性具体是指是什么?我查了一下资料,我的理解就是图中节点的向量表示,这里不知道是不是,节点属性是 度 吗
I have a Nvida GPU on windows with jdk version 11.0.6 and cuda==9.0. I have successfully trained embedding on cpu with a dependency addition into build.gradle file:
`compile group: 'org.nd4j',name:…
## General Information
Author: William L. Hamilton, Rex Ying, and Jure Leskovec
Published: 2017
## Why and What
### Key word
Inductive learning is learning from the specific data and reasoning …
If I trained a gcn model,can I use it to generate embeddings to unseen nodes,which are not included in the matrix A?
Thank you very much