Both Overview and History depends on colors to show high and lows. This works well for many users, but for many these colors all look the same! Use symbols as well as colors to represent values.
Any plans to show a graph when the watch complication is tapped ?
Both G-watch and Blose display a nice glucose graph when their complications are tapped.
I really love glucosedatahandler, but I…
**Value Proposition**
As a diabetic, I need an overview of the latest data, to have a history of my entries.
> We show that deep convolutional neural networks combined with non-linear dimension reduction enable reconstructing biological processes based on raw image data. We …
Command to reproduce:
add i/T0012345B n/John CENAAA dob/20/12/2000 p/98765…
Hi Shakir,
my name is Tommaso Bassignana and, like you, I am interested in the healthcare space, specifically in developing solutions for diabetic people. I am currently in the process of developin…
There was a few seconds delay when adding a new command using the line
`add i/T0012345A n/John Doe dob/20/12/2000 p/98765432 a/John street, block 123, #01-01 d/NKDA g/male ad/Alex t/Diabetic m/Lantus…
As a vegetarian, I want to be able to record my dietary preferences in a semantic way.
According to https://schema.org/RestrictedDiet, it is only valid on `MenuItem`s
& `Recipe`s:
> Indicates …
edent updated
2 years ago
I am interested in the ordinal classifier, and are studying it using the retinopathy database.
I have downloaded https://www.kaggle.com/c/diabetic-retinopathy-detection/data
according to the sourc…
Below is an example:
**HADM_ID**: 100001