I have 2 Separate Systems in SDR Trunk, Both systems are DMR Connect + systems but it seems that System A and System B are bleeding thru on Each other, and SDR Trunk is getting confused about what sys…
I recently read your article titled "Charting differentially methylated regions in cancer with Rocker-meth" published
in Communication Biology, and I found your research both intriguing and highly in…
Can you add the TG decoder (and add to name) where is the talker?
I was running defiant and can't find any dmr areas. I don't know why I can't find the dmr area, I really want to know why.
### Input file is as follows:
For DMR, there are a few questions I have about the output column labels.
For the Estimate, is that fold change, log10 fold change, or something else between the two groups?
What are the …
Hi yupeng,
I've obtained a batch of processed WGBS data from GEO database, which was generated using the 'methylpy allc-to-bigwig --bin-size 10' command, resulting in 10 bp bin format files (e.g., …
(modkit) sysadmin@sysadmin:/var/lib/minknow/data/20230907_LSK114_KNF_DNA_Long/4562949_ReRun1/modkit/dmr$ modkit dmr pair -a …
I got DMR results from the MethylSig model.
then i extracted methylation levels of each sample based on different methylated regions.
I just wonder why there are some significant regions with…
_Originally posted by @canyus-dmr in https://github.com/octocat/Spoon-Knife/pull/22249_
M172DMR (29867df) seems to work fine M17->DMR, but it segfaults shortly after starting a DMR->M17 transmission. This occurs on RPi4 (using either Raspberry Pi OS with kernel 5.10.63 or 32-bit Ubuntu …