Add check and error messages for:
- path doesnt exist/not accessi…
This usage example should become a help file and be removed from t…
@gideonthomas @mmmavis - can you add the individual talk links to each of the speakers on the website. There is one or two still processing, which should be complete in the next couple of hours.
Using the code from the documentation, i.e.
from gpiozero import DistanceSensor
from time import sleep
sensor = DistanceSensor(echo=18, trigger=17)
while True:
print('Distance: ', sens…
ghost updated
6 years ago
CamJam EduKit 2 - Sensors Worksheet 3 (GPIO Zero) - Temperature.pdf
In the project description you reference that we will have to use the rpi.gpio library for this because gpiozero has no support f…
I am continuously getting a syntax error. See attached Scrot.
Excuse me this is …
Can anyone give me some hints for wk sh 4 'Challenge'
In https://github.com/RPi-Distro/python-gpiozero/issues/296#issuecomment-217824647 @GeekyTim mentions that the HC-SR04 image in Worksheet 6 comes from the Adafruit Fritzing library.
lurch updated
7 years ago
E.g., a description of a video contains the word 'Edukit'. Expected behavior is for that video to be matched when search is performed for 'edukit' but this is not the case. This applies to image metad…
The arrangement of the resistors, as described in the instructions for the Distance Sensor, is wrong, and will result in 4.85V being fed into the 'Echo' GPIO pin. What is described is NOT a resistor d…