Manipulation of an existing, rendered `MPartStack`'s `containerData` (manually or by calling [`EModelService#insert`](https://help.eclipse.org/2018-12/topic/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv/reference/api/…
thanks for Portfolio Performance!
Given that PP is an Eclipse RCP application, has anyone considered using the Eclipse RAP [1] to provide a web platform on the base of the existing PP codeba…
Currently, the project is only compatible with Eclipse 2018-09 (And probably Eclipse Photon.0)
In Eclipse 2018-12, SWT dropped the support for GTK2 on Linux. However, JavaFX only supports GTK3 in t…
According to [a discussion](https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/1070632/) and [Bug 478872](https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=478872) it should be possible to provide `Icon URI`s to …
![qq 20190130173621](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/20294510/51972067-96407d00-24b5-11e9-9a7a-db8535eaa7f5.png)
I'm following the instructions from https://github.com/eclipse-efx/efxclipse-eclipse/wiki/Eclipse4-application-on-OpenJFX-11
After the Create a new "e4 Application projects" using the wizard "New P…
JavaFX has a new pull request to support native rendering by supporting WritableImages backed by NIO bytebuffers. This would allow JavaFX to avoid copying data from native buffers to a WritableImage, …
If a part is made visible, as a user, I would usualy like to have the focus on the first focusable element so I can start working using the key board right away. In this sample that would be the "Te…
A new ticket to describe the transition to the jdk11 and Eclipse Photon. We have started this work and find quite a few difficulties.
We should update to jdk11 as it is the next long-term support r…
I just tried to add this library to a Gradle project, but the synchronization fails.
Could not find org.controlsfx:controlsfx:9.0.1-SNAPSHOT.
Searched in the following locations:
- https:/…