I recently upgraded to version 1.4-5 because i was several versions behind. Unfortunately, I'm no longer able to define projections using code like the first line below. I know I'm not the only one …
Hi there,
I am trying to use the get_dem command as follows;
I'm quite new in spatial analysis in R so sorry if this a silly issue. I'm trying to use elevatr to extract elevation from the EPQS for a SpatialPointsDataFrame, but I always get the error "Err…
I wanted to extract elevation points from USGS Elevation Point Query Service using this package, and I tried your examples first (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/elevatr/vignettes/in…
when trying to load your library,
returning this error.
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘elevatr’:
object ‘wkt’ is not exported by 'namespace:sp'
(running [64-bi…
I am writing up extensions to the package that will include the two primary components:
1. **Utilities for gathering GeoTIFF HAND tiles from an AWS S3 Bucket for a given AOI**
2. **Utilities for S…
Need to coerce sf objects to sp in get_elev_raster. Working for get_elev_points.
I'm getting an error with the occ_search function that seems to be associated with the limit value. It happens for some species but not others. For example, for the species "Oxytropis defle…
Hey Jeff!
I'm getting an error I've never gotten before using code that extracts elevation with a raster called 'rodents':
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find a…
I am trying to get elevation data for TX, and I have the shapefile. When I load the shapefile and run get_elev_raster I get this error about prj. I can not get it to work no matter what crs I input, a…