The first step of the installation instructions is this:
> Add the emacs-color-theme-solarized directory to your Emacs custom-theme-load-path.
Where do I get this directory from, is it the conte…
![strange colours](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/9432284/4928000/741b40e0-6540-11e4-8f5b-932e9d8d13a3.png)
As the image shows the highlight seems incorrect in the header line (with stick…
Hello, in Ubuntu 22.04 i installed Doom Emacs 29, and emacs-libvterm from the apt package manager. Vterm tried to compile the module and it failed, i apt-get installed the module and set the path to i…
Is there any plan on providing emacs package for the theme?
Thanks in advance! :)
when clone the git and lunch emacs, i get this error.
` Error (use-package): Failed to install zerodark-theme: Package ‘let-alist-1.0.5’ is unavailable
Error (use-package): zerodark-theme/:init: U…
As for the title, when text in italics should be shown it is underlined instead.
I am using the theme with doomemacs on emacs 29 with pgtk on NixOS 23.11.
I am happy to make more tests if needed…
This is my `~/.emacs`
(require 'doom-themes)
(load-theme 'doom-nord t)
(setq cycle-themes-theme-list
(require 'cycle-themes)
Configuring my Emacs have consume much times of mine, in that many other things much more important was omitted. Although I have much spare time recently, the amount of time and efforts I put on confi…
### Issue?
The module provided by Stylix for Emacs is trying to override the extraConfig provided by my custom Emacs package.
This however fails as the latter takes precedence over Stylix, resulting…
Hey, I've been having a great time with the package. Thanks for your great work!
I've been noticing some `jit-lock` errors and I narrowed it down to prism.
My setup is GNU Emacs 29.0.60, with Doom…