## Create a Front-End for End user,
- [ ] To Login.
- [x] To Create requests, With Title(Pure Text), Description(Pure Text), Departments(ORG) from which he/she seeks approval(A set of Check Boxes).
**Links to bulk download and/or API endpoints**
**Link to CRM issue**
My understanding is that the multi lot (When a tender is divided into lots) feature can only be used for those criteria where their data structure is involving the lot data relationship.
For example,…
In ePO we were analysing the BG-320 and the BT-3201, and how they can be covered in the eProcurement Ontology. During that analysis some doubts raised up:
- Is the business group referring to any …
## Motivation
The [Revised Agreement on Government Procurement](https://www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/rev-gpr-94_01_e.htm) (GPA) includes: "each notice of intended procurement shall include … …
for the following Criterion we don't found UUID in e-CERTIS:
1. Criterion #64 (6a21c421-5c1e-46f4-9762-116fbcd33097)
2. Criterion #58 (9b19e869-6c89-4cc4-bd6c-ac9ca8602165)
but our "membe…
BT-92 (Electronic Ordering) is under BG-711 (Contract Terms) not under BG-706.
# Context
The Criterion and Evidence Vocabulary is a very generic one. This generic design of the vocabulary was intended precisely to be reused cross-sector.
The vocabulary was introduced in th…
Initially we would like to say thank you for providing the possibility for us to review and comment on the proposal. We generally agree with several of the issues previously expressed by the users @ka…
We are part of a CEF consortium to have interoperability for the eProcurement pre-award, and we are trying to setup the four corner model with Bescha from Germany.
For this purpose, and only f…