Is there a possible implementation for running the segmentation network on a video through open cv? Any help would be much appreciated.
When I try to load a video through open cv and use my webcam …
https://download.openmmlab.com/mmsegmentation/v0.5/fast_scnn/fast_scnn_4x8_80k_lr0.12_cityscapes-f5096c79.pth,这个链接失效了, 麻烦补一下吧~
刚看到这个项目,Fast scnn的训练精度是多少啊,我看到没写,我用其他的几个fast scnn工程训练自己的二类数据效果都不太好。
1. I have searched related issues but cannot get the expected help.
2. The bug has not been fixed in the latest version.
python tools/train.py ./configs/sem_fpn/fp…
I'm trying to run TRTorch on yolov3 and in the process I added an activation for `leaky_relu`
Now running `trtorch.compile` I get an error:
RuntimeError: [enforce fail at core/conversion/conv…
Your interest in this Computer Vision domain of Machine Learning is appreciated, but your implementation highly reminds of a certain work of a GitHub user kshitizrimal. Your code is eerily similar to …
Hi @xvjiarui ,
Recently, I want to conduct some experiments on the nonlocal network.
After referring the issue #87, I have tried to set the random seed `--seed 0` in my experiments, but still ca…
A RuntimeError happened when I tried using newest fast_scnn to infer on my own dataset.
The error has never happened when I was using other models in this repository on the same images.
Here is t…
Hi, what is the GPU used to test the inference time in the model zoo? I tested HRNetV2p-W18-Small model by 2080ti and only get ~0.3 seconds. Is that normal?