Would it be possible to support an output-format of HTML where the rules ID/description link back to Ruff rules page e.g [F401](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/unused-import/) and the lines/files ha…
I'm using Neovim with its native LSP client.
If I close the editor I still see an instance of `dmypy` up and running.
When editing a `.py` file I can see the follwing using `pstree -lp`:
I'd like to have a flake8 plugin that would yell at me if any of the files is longer than 500 lines of code.
The 500 should be configurable. The plugin should support overriding the limit per file …
### how did you install flake8?
$ cat requirements_hash.txt
GitPython==3.1.29 --hash=sha256:41eea0deec2deea139b459ac03656f0dd28fc4a3387240ec1d3c259a2c47850f2
PyYAML==6.0 --hash=sha256…
Currently, there are multiple ways a Python project can be organized.
Here are the choices
- Python management tool: [setuptools](https://github.com/pypa/setuptools), [flit](https://github.com…
I have Sublime 4113 on Ubuntu Xenial, with Package Control 3.4.1.
I have sublack installed and working correctly (black 21.5b0).
I have SublimeLinter-flake8 installed and working correctly (flake8 3…
$ git log --oneline --no-decorate -1
bf5e80e457 Highlight errors for regform bool fields (#6242)
$ pip install -e '.[dev]' --prefix /project/initindico/indico-20240605
Successfully built …
In GitLab by @stephenfin on May 23, 2019, 03:07
I'm trying to migrate [hacking](https://opendev.org/openstack/hacking) from [flake8 2.x to 3.x](https://review.opendev.org/#/c/651565/) and finding it …
### What's wrong
The `forbidden-inline-ignore` option is parsed from a comma-separated string into a tuple, but the code itself joins all codes using an empty string, then tries to split them on comm…
Hello! Thank you for your great work!
I have installed pylsp into dedicated virtualenv and successfully set up ` lsp-pylsp-server-command` to `"~/.virtualenvs/pylsp-venv/bin/pylsp"`. But in my pylsp:…