Some modules have a lot of global state, which would converting their tests a bit... difficult.
* `graphs/multi_hueristic_astar.py`
On either a generated or a hardcoded graph, apply some version of Ford Fulkerson.
This issue is completed when the maximum flow can be correctly calculated (doesn't need to change display but that'…
Here we clean methods related to connectivity: `steiner_tree`, `edge_disjoint_spanning_trees`, `edge_cut`, `vertex_cut`, `multiway_cut`, `max_cut`, `longest_path`, `hamiltonian_path`, `traveling_sal…
Hevristike z uporabo Ford Fulkerson algoritma dobro delujejo le do točke, ko eden od igralcev pride do zmagovalne BRIDGE poti. Potem ne dela več smiselno oz. opitmalno, tj. ne potegne očitnih potez, k…
Algorithm still not working.
@RodionGork can you look into this.
Currenly all the images on https://e-maxx-eng.appspot.com/ don't load. E.g. look at the article [Convex hull trick and Li Chao tree](https://e-maxx-eng.appspot.com…
Lahko malo [pobrskata po internetu](http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~adith/docs/y_hex.pdf) in pogledata, kaj so počeli ostali ljudje, da so naprogramirali hevrsitike. Lahko poskusita, kako bi delovalo ocenj…
As reported on [this ask question](https://ask.sagemath.org/question/41419/flow-gives-error-for-disconnected-vertices/), the `_ford_fulkerson` method for graphs does not handle unconnected vertices …
Prvo kot prvo bi vas obvestil, da sva s kolegom uspela odpraviti bug glede lihih globin v minmaxu o katerem smo govorili popoldne. Nato pa sva pri poizkusu implementacije algoritma alpha…
Need to fix an issue that arises when flow is split from a node between edges and the flow is not propogated to edges in other paths. Ford-Fulkerson gives the correct max flow in the Announcement dial…