I wasn't quite sure which topic to choose for this question, so I'm hoping "I have a problem with my Flutter application." is the correct one.
I'm trying to integrate a Flutter app within an existi…
### Issue URL (Incorrect Blocking)
### Comment
Username: @blankhang
> 开启过滤就经常弹出这个
On using ionic 5 with Launch navigator, Map lists are not working and I'm getting the logs are here as below
2021-06-02 18:19:47.673 10311-10540/com.movemanger D/LaunchNavigatorPlugin: Plugin acti…
const tmsSource = new itowns.TMSSource({
crs: 'EPSG:3857',
format: 'image/png',
url: this.mapURL,
tileMatrixSet: 'PM',
zoom: this.mapZoom,
const color…
HACS 添加后找不到卡片,直接添加配置代码显示:Custom element doesn't exist: gaode-map-card.
树莓派4B Docker安装hassio版本2020.12.1:(
在大陆的语境下用户应该大多都希望是类似 iCloud 和 iTunes 等服务走代理加速,而地图则保留国内高德的服务吧(Tomtom 在国内几乎处于不可用状态)我看了 Divine Engine 等几大配置的 Apple.list 中对地图的处理都是走直连/不包括在规则里的。
作者能考虑剔除关于 Map 服务的规则,或另外设置单独的 list 吗?谢谢!
### Issue URL (Incorrect Blocking)
Logger: frontend.js.latest.202010012
Source: components/system_log/__init__.py:193
First occurred: 下午1:22:51 (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 下午1:22:53
:0:0 Script error.…