I'm attempting to use the download functionality:
When I try to download a directory, it downloads some files but eventually it stops downloading and just gets…
I'm getting a
> BadRequest: Problem fetching image metadata: status 404 /
`nd_array = IdahoImage('5940c85d-9743-4269-a2c4-c5e69ebb35ae')`
`nd_array = CatalogImage('…
Hello, I tried building the jupyter notebook with gbdxtools using docker in Windows 10 with the following command from windows Powershell (administrator):
`docker build -f .\Dockerfile .`
Here i…
My task needs a list of inputs, and not have it be broken out as a batch workflow. So I had encoded an input list as a string, but gbdxtools still breaks out the encoded string and makes a batch workf…
It would be very useful to include workflow callbacks into the gbdxtools suite. This already exists in the API. Please put it into gbdxtools. I have attached instructions on how to do workflow call…
In the test cases or documentations, I see a multiplex inputs generally defined as
`task = self.gbdx.Task('gdal-cli-multiplex', data1='asdf', data2='fdsa')`
`task = self.gbdx.Task('gdal-cli-mul…
Example: https://gbdxdocs.digitalglobe.com/docs/orders-heartbeat-v2
Before I spin up a batch order, I would like to have a function in gbdxtools that I could use to check the status of the ordering…
A new semester has begun - and it's time to plan what we want to do for the Earth Lab data meetup this semester. Please come with your ideas!
Where: SEEC S372
When: Friday Feb 3, 2 - 3 PM
In order to pull data from the stdout of a docker container running on GBDX, you currently need both the workflow ID and the task ID. Both are dynamically generated at runtime. However, one is easy to…
As I order images using their catalog id, I could check order status to obtain the image location on S3 bucket, like
[{u'acquisition_id': u'103001000C013F00',