👋 The documentation for [GenStage.PartitionDispatcher](https://hexdocs.pm/gen_stage/GenStage.PartitionDispatcher.html#content) states:
> Keep in mind that, if partitions are not evenly distributed…
When I write this code:
|> Flow.from_enumerable(min_demand: 0, max_demand: 5, stages: 1)
|> Flow.map(fn item ->
IO.puts "Flow.map #{item}"
|> Enum.each(fn item …
Hi, I have a case that I set `concurrency` in my `processors` config, only one of the processors get the job all the time.
## My setup
1. I'm running the Kafka broker locally but I've seen the sa…
👋 Hello again,
The [rate_limiter.exs](https://github.com/elixir-lang/gen_stage/blob/main/examples/rate_limiter.exs) example is very useful for understanding manual demand, but it is not clear how …
Hey there, in the Broadway's documentation says the following https://hexdocs.pm/broadway/Broadway.html#module-acknowledgements-and-failures
> If there are no batchers, the acknowledgement will be …
I'm looking at the docs for [https://hexdocs.pm/aws/AWS.SQS.html#send_message_batch/3](https://hexdocs.pm/aws/AWS.SQS.html#send_message_batch/3)
send_message_batch(client, input, options \\ []…
In one of my production clusters i just switched over our Auditing application to also start using BroadwayKafka for its ingest pipeline
However i am seeing errors from this method:
Let's start with trying to make the `PullConsumer` module usable by end-users and see how far could we go with the following API design, no matter what is happening under the hood (i.e. do whatever is…
Hi everyone,
It only happened once until now and we're using this library for months.
I did a quick overview on the closed issues and I couldn't find anything similar.
I think worth communicate.