This issue was encountered while we were attempting to shade the `com.typesafe.scala-logging` classes in an effort to get RasterFrames running in DataBricks environment. DataBricks itself brings ins `…
We have [`readers.geowave`](https://pdal.io/stages/readers.geowave.html) and [`writers.geowave`](https://pdal.io/stages/writers.geowave.html) support, do we plan to support the [Geomesa](geomesa.org) …
From the [current README](https://github.com/locationtech/rasterframes/tree/develop/pyrasterframes/python#pyrasterframes), it appears that the only way to install `pyrasterframes` is to do so from sou…
Following @harryprince's [comment](https://github.com/r-spatial/sf/issues/368#issuecomment-379991101) I would like to discuss how to create an `sf` interface for hive that would rely on `sparklyr`, ju…
I tried to follow the instruction and the README, coming from [this tutorial](https://anitagraser.com/tag/geoserver/) which is a bit outdated (versions 1.13)
When I run `geomesa-accmulo ingest…
### geoserver 2.14.1
geomesa-hbase 2.11 2.1.0
when i publish layer ,and compute Bounding Box from data, error happens
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Method onRequest of int…
I found a case in which the union of two valid small polygons result in an invalid output.
NOTE I had to tweak the JTS testrunner slightly to get the HEXWKB printed in order to check for validity, I …
Hi, I´m trying to get data from roads to draw it and analize it's traffic, i had been searching for a long but i can't afford a way to get JSON or GeoJSON. Anyone could help me?
I cloned master, then did a docker-compose up inside geodocker-accumulo-geomesa. It doesn't seem to be able to find hdfs, here is the error:
> accumulo-master_1_5e9bcfa974a7 | Attempt 7 of 7: hdfs_…