I am trying this installation using pip install grad-cam and getting the following issue which I cannot resolve. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated
return hook(config_settings)
grad = self.gradient[proposal_idx].cpu().date.numpy()
我在detectron2框架中进行检测的grad-cam输出时,其中我的self.gradient的维度为[1, C, W, H],所以self.gradient[…
ghost updated
2 years ago
Is it possible to use visualize_cam with a network having multiple inputs? I have a modified version of resnet50, with 3 inputs (2 are images and 1 is audio). I want to visualize activations of input1…
Hi @ismailuddin
I looked at your implementation of Grad-CAM and it seems to me that the heapmaps are calculated using gradients of post-sofmax outputs rather than logits (pre-softmax). The last lay…
I am trying to run GradCam over a custom architecture I have created. The architecture is as follows:
(convnet): Sequential(
(0): Conv2d(3, 59, kernel_size=(6, 6), strid…
Why not set G's require_grad to False when training D?
Two times using the following code, can you simplify the following code?
hi, @yizt thanks for great work. I am trying to apply grad-cam for faster-rcnn with config file faster_rcnn_X_101_32x8d_FPN_3x.yaml. I am using the "roi_heads.box_pooler" as the last layer to calcula…
Can we have a grad-cam-like tool to visualize feature maps, like in vis_cam.py in misclassification?
## 書誌情報
### 論文リンク
### 著者/所属機関
### conf/journal
BMVC(British Machine Vision Conference)
### year
## どんな論文か?
Grad-CAMに Conservation and Sensitivity (…