Tried to open file:
on leiden laptop and matplotlib crashed.
nmGit updated
8 years ago
I tried to run your implementation of BYOL for Cifar10. I used the following command to run the training (using my own environment):
`python main.py --batch-size=16 --epochs=1 --num-replicas…
My graphs look terrible (there are lines without parent connections.) I assume
it's related to these multiple "unknown tag" errors with even simple projects
when running dot -Tpng test.dot >test…
At least stuff needed to be imported from the grapher package specifically. For example
`import { Exposure } from 'meteor/cultofcoders:grapher'`
## Core problem
- Some charts have relative mode but we can't currently sort by the relative values in the entity selector, which makes it difficult to discover trends in relative terms
- For example…
In the Grapher class, when showing a week span, we should generate color boundaries to show the relative frequencies of minutes used in that hour as compared to other hours in the week. For example, M…
## Core problem
It would be useful to optionally hide the tooltip info that says "Data not available for 2023. Showing closest available data point instead".
## Proposed solution
We could hav…
Guice 2.0 and most of the extensions now appear to be published in the
Maven central repository - great!
However, guice-grapher appears to have been omitted/forgotten in this process.
There is no issue in changing the directory in the grapher directory tree but when a file is selected an error pops up in the command prompt window saying that the directory does not exist.
Not sure …
We attempted to graph our app, but it exploded because we were missing some
bindings. But the injection-points for those bindings were optional, and
Guice proper would have ignored them.
When the…