2023-09-16 10:15:31.031074+00:00Sep 16 10:15:31.030 [INFO] Running Petals 2.2.0
2023-09-16 10:15:31.349212+00:00/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/transformers/models/auto/configuration_aut…
# 개요
- BitsAndBytes를 이용하여 GPT2/GPTJ 모델 8bit quantization 적용 코드 구현
- https://huggingface.co/hivemind/gpt-j-6B-8bit 를 참고
- GPTJ 모델은 kogpt 6B 모델로 변경
- GPT2 모델의 경우 attention과 fc layer가 nn.Linear가 아닌 별…
When viewing posts that have been spammed with thousands of irredeemable account comments, the comment count does not accurately reflect the organic comments minus the irredeemable comments.
This is a collection of miscellaneous small updates that would make examples/albert more efficient or easier to understand.
__Note 1:__ if you're looking for a more advanced example where many of t…
**Describe the bug**
[Eigengrau's Helper](https://github.com/ryceg/Eigengraus-Helper) is a companion Discord bot which is currently not working due to libraries having breaking changes. It needs to…
ryceg updated
2 years ago
I have created a GitHub sibling for my data set using OSF as storage following [your tutorial](https://docs.datalad.org/projects/osf/en/latest/tutorial/exportdatacode.html)
Creating the siblings and …
If at all possible, we should try to revert Docker to bridge networking, instead of host mode networking.
The initial reason we used host networking was because of GUN. I have been told that WebRTC…
I went to https://steemitwallet.com/@steem.chat/settings
Logged in with active key.
Changed profile picture url and cover image url (by uploading new photos) previous was hosted on `gyazo` so it's e…
add support for binary data, useful to send/receive files to/from clients
Can we have pretty test coverage/Travis badges?