Deciding on colors and branding
第326天 颜色hsla的字母分别表示什么?
Hi, it would be great to support theming.
I've found issues from 2017/18 that requested light theme but I don't see the option in the tool nor the docs.
Highlighting on the [docs site](https://docs.obsidian.md/) and [help site](https://help.obsidian.md/) are currently transparent. The variables being used in the `::selection` pseudo element are define…
Currently Tailwind requires us to add dark mode colors within the component. I think that makes it too unreadable and just a pain to maintain.
The way I set up the colors is:
colors: {
I'm pretty sure this can be made to run much faster with the appropriate use of native representations and some C binding code to do some of the heavy lifting in areas such as initialization inheritan…
In CSS you can write hsl like so `hsl(0 0% 0% / 0.5)` without the commas or hacing to use hsla
Can this format be supported?
The material outline button has a stroke that is defined at 12% opacity of the provided color. Even in its best state, where the onSurfaceColor is black and the surfaceColor is white (which happens to…
Hello, `graphiql` maintainers!
GitHub's API team provides an integrated client within GitHub's [public web documentation for GraphQL](https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/overview/explorer). We're …
## Description
A table title is almost invisible, fading with background color.
![Light Mode](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/0024b763-4e09-4f3e-bc17-49edf5b3cd34)
![Dark Mode](https…