Vaadin 8.3. Since the addition of HTML5 History API the fragments has been abolished and REST-like paths are now being used. The query parameters were generally not used with the old fragment approach…
I can't see anywhere which states which browsers that this supports?
I presume that it supports IE8 and IE9? But it would be good to know about others.
timc3 updated
11 years ago
I have html5-history-api on my meteor platform. Currently the entire site is password protected with the exception of one page (not the route (/) page). When i try to load up that page in ie9 i…
mgarf updated
9 years ago
@rgaudin I noticed your discussion of branding elsewhere (e.g. on Kiwix Desktop). I was not aware there was a branding document, and no-one has ever mentioned it to me!
It needs updating as far as th…
needs reproducible example tho.
There seems to be no limit how many times you can pushState and over time the browser will get slower and crash.
In my package json, if I set the `homepage` like this:
homepage: "/path"
Is there any way to run `http-server` such that I can run the app from that specified subdomain? Something like `…
React Router是React官方提供的用于构建单页应用的路由库,主要包括以下几个主要包和API:
1. react-router-dom:用于Web应用的路由库。
2. react-router-native:用于原生应用(如React Native)的路由库。
3. react-router-config:用于配置静态路由的工具包。
1. BrowserRou…
We are using useHistory() from the react-router-dom in our project. Our code was flagged for XSS vulnerability by HPFortify. The following line "window.location.href = href;" seems to be the pr…
I am trying to use history.js with IE 9.
If my URL looks like:
and I want to append "?last_page=2" to it..
I am doing History.replaceState({}, "", "?last_page=2") …