Alyn Gwyndaf [wrote](https://groups.io/g/ChordPro/message/2366):
Johan, I can take on a user documentation role. Can't really help with coding, but I do write professionally: not strictly technical…
Add support for multiple languages.
Disclaimer: I am an extremely infrequent and minor contributor and it's possible the following issue is something specific to my setup. As such, I totally understand if it's not worth anyone's time to…
**What is the issue about?**
Building a layout and template for Inlive blog page.
**How urgent this issue?**
Moderately, we need a blog to write a post and update about our product.
Status: If your interest is in SEO, see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/46789; otherwise, see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/47600#issuecomment-1016920547.
As an app/we…
See Public Landing Page assignment in Canvas
Research markdown to website templates / static site generators like Hugo, Astro.js, Docusaurus, etc
Single page landing page with maybe some fancier…
the `img` dir inside of the theme's `/static/` dir is not appearing in the built site (i.e., what is in `public` after running the `hugo` command), because the url is `https://teaching640.makingandkno…
The documentation page design can already be seen [here](https://www.figma.com/proto/Wlpu9UpNkoOioDCf5CSZpm/Landing-Page?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=565%3A629&viewport=352%2C48%2C0.37&scaling=min-zoom&start…
## Description
### User story
As a Cartography team member, I want to figure out how we would add a link to VA Health Chat to MHV Home that is visible only to eligible Veterans when the service …
### Rationale
Rewrite the CSSU website using next.js to permit a greater breadth of customizations than what is currently permitted with Hugo. Examples include:
- updating the landing page to feat…