The ability to read a Trimmed Nurbs format (.iges .step .brep) and convert it to a T-Spline representation would give an amazing value to this library.
Most of the CAD software export models as .s…
> Egy javaslatom lenne. A könyvek kinyitása után a fejezeteket ha lehetne íge szakasz nélkül látni, áttekinthetőbb lenne, és gyorsabban ki lehetne keresni a fejezeteket, különösen olyan könyveknél ah…
DLL API support is missing for must of the entities needed to define a BREP solid in IGES (types 186, 502, 504, 508, 510, & 514). To avoid having to use the lower level entities directly, would it be …
Dear All,
I tried to use the CDFTOOLS to deal with ORCA025 data, but it is wrong with information "**forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred**". However, there is no problem when…
I would like to ask if it is possible to extract the NURBS information (such as knot vectors, control points positions and weights, ...) from the IGES file using the pyiges? In my program, I…
Dear all.
I want to use PythonOCC to create a small library for reading (step, iges, brep) CAD files, extract info as volume, centroid, inertia properties, bounding box..... and also export to json, …
List of loaders that would be nice to have:
## 3D
- [x] 3DMLoader
- https://www.rhino3d.com/opennurbs
- [x] 3DSLoader
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.3ds
- http://dzzd.net/3DSChunkDefiniti…
Improve crack mode in order to
- [x] Work with periodic boundary conditions (PBC)
- [x] Crack floes as a result of a shock
- [x] Crack floes as a result of pressure (= many micro-impulses from L…
Issue imported from https://tracker.freecad.org/view.php?id=1176
* **Reporter:** project4
* **Date submitted:** 7/12/2013
* **FreeCAD version:** 0.13
* **Category:** Feature
* **Status:** new
* **Tag…