As of .Net 7 System.Drawing isn't supported by MSFT on Linux any more. Would be good to remove all references to System.Drawing and replace with something like ImageSharp.
[Support `System.Drawing.Common` for has been disabled with dotnet 7](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/compatibility/core-libraries/6.0/system-drawing-common-windows-only)
Microsoft re…
A couple of minor bits to try and include/fix. Firstly is the ability to supply more than one src or media-item so that responsive images can alternate between different images based on screen size. A…
Thanks for the work you've done, and it's really good to see positive posts on ImageSharp. As a contributor of ImageSharp I really believe that our library is indeed kick-ass, however'm very concerned…
In ImageMagick the image was loaded in a generic way, There was an easy way to change the file type and convert to jpg.
Is it possible…
### Analyzer
**Diagnostic ID**: [CA1001](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fundamentals/code-analysis/quality-rules/ca1001): `Types that own disposable fields should be disposable`
### Ana…
I'm just passing by to give a small tip, I just noticed that SixLabors is changing the ImageSharp library license, so probably after 2.1.3 they are dual license, Apache and Commercial. Remem…
I guess it depends on a certain version of .NET Core
1>------ Build started: Project: TexturedCube (TexturedCube\TexturedCube), Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>Executing: dotnet C:\github\ve…
Hello, I work on the .NET Libraries team, and I saw that this library has a lot of usage in the community and depends on System.Drawing.Common for xplat scenarios.
We just made the decision to make…
**What is, according to you, missing from fo-dicom? Please describe.**
A clear and concise description of the use case that this new feature would solve.
Be able to build and use inside oculus qu…