This is great! do you think you might be making an `ifft` implementation anytime?
#### Description
Implement features section, figma [here](https://www.figma.com/design/8WtdRwj6e29r00Rp2280gB/Landing-Page?node-id=45-2&node-type=frame&t=JScOTBLvfWbh5uEZ-0)
## ❓ Questions
When implement dora run commend, can env created by conda used?
**Description of the desired feature:**
[GXF](https://help.seequent.com/Oasismontaj/2023.1/Content/ss/glossary/grid_exchange_format__gxf.htm) is another Geosoft (now seequent) ASCII file format. It…
Implement LRU in CPP
Create an FAQ section with accordion-style questions and answers.
**Requirements:** Ensure each FAQ item expands and collapses smoothly. Maintain consistent styling with the rest of the page.
Implement possibility to run only on a subset of edges, as required by CRiSP.
- height
- weight: should impact both player mass & rotational "stiffness"
- arm length
- speed
- jump height
- speed with ball
- power